Proton Exchange Membrane Hydrogen Fuel Cells(PEMFCs), as a clean and efficient energy conversion device, have a
wide range of applications and promising prospects.The following are the main...
1.Definition and classificationDefinition: Hydrogen compressors are equipment that compresses hydrogen to increase its pressure. They are widely used in hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, hydrogen energy stations, hydrogen storage systems and other fields.
Classification: A...
New direction for long-term energy storage: Vanadium flow battery
The vanadium flow battery is a redox battery with vanadium as the medium. Its full name is Vanadium Redox Flow Battery (VFB), which was proposed by Marria Kacos of the University of New South Wales, Australia in 1985. The...
Overview of PEM Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis II
Electrolzer Stack components
The components used in PEM electrolysis are critical for a stack with good performance and durability. Key components include bipolar plates, current collectors, and membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs)....
Overview of PEM Hydrogen Production by Water Electrolysis I
Hydrogen is a clean and flexible energy carrier that can be used to provide electricity and heat. Hydrogen-fueled vehicles and stationary power generation are zero-emission technologies. Hydrogen can be produced both from traditional...
PEM Hydrogen Production | Electrocatalysts for Membrane Electrodes
MEA (membrane electrode assembly) is a key part for proton exchange membrane water electrolysis (PEMWE) [also a key core part for PEM fuel cells], which includes a proton exchange membrane, a catalyst layer (CL) and a gas diff...
Hydrogen fuel cells and storage and transportation
Hydrogen transportation and hydrogen power generation are the two major application areas of hydrogen fuel cells. In transportation, due to the high energy efficiency and zero emission characteristics of fuel cells, it is considered to be an...
What are the core equipment and main application scenarios of the hydrogen energy industry?
Hydrogen energy has several core advantages: eco-friendliness, high efficiency, diverse storage and transportation methods, and a wide range of application scenarios. The hydrogen energy industry chain...
Core equipment for electrolysis of water and hydrogen production
Hydrogen production by electrolysis of water means passing direct current into an electrolytic tank filled with electrolyte. Water molecul...
Structural principles and production processes of alkaline and PEM electrolyzers
Electrolyzers can be divided into four types: ALK, PEM, AEM, and SOEC according to water electrolysis technology. This article mainly introduces the structural principles and production processes of alkaline and...
Effect of humidification and cell heating on the operational stability of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell
The commercialization of the PEM fuel cell is hindered by a few factors, which include the storage of hydrogen, water and thermal management, catalyst poisoning, corrosion in coppe...
How is hydrogen inhalation good to human health(Ⅲ)?
At present, with the increasing evidence of hydrogen intervening in diseases, as well as the biological safety of hydrogen, combined with the fact that using hydrogen hardly changes the lifestyle, it has become a method of health care for m...